Dr. Benjamin Levi and his laboratory have produced prolific works. Major media have comprised of scientific journals such as Journal of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Public Library of Science, Science of Translational Medicine, Developmental Biology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, and Journal of Biological Chemistry.
- Editor, Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery, Second Edition. (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, New York, in progress).
- Section Editor, “Burns.” Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery, Second Edition. (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, New York, in progress).
- Section Editor, “Trunk and Lower Extremity Reconstruction” Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery, Second Edition. (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, New York, in progress).
- Section Editor, “Fundamentals and Principles.” Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery, Second Edition. (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, New York, in progress)
- Chapter: Levi B, Wong VC and Sheridan R. Burn Surgery and Critical Care. Massachussetts General Hospital Critical Care Handbook, Ed. 2. In Press.
- Chapter: Levi B, Hemilla M, and Wang SC. Burn Surgery. Greenfield’s Surgery Ed 8. In Press.
- Chapter: Donneys A, Nelson N, Ahsan S, Peterson JR, Morris MD, Esmonde-White F, Buchman SR, Wang SC, and Levi B. “Advancements in Cortical Bone Imaging”Trabecular and Cortical Bone: Morphology, Biomechanics and Clinical Implications. Ed Varsha Subramanium and Manish Bhatnagar. New York: Nova Biomedical, 2014. 137-162.
- Review: JP Glotzbach, VW Wong, Levi B, MT Longaker, GC Gurtner. Delivery
- Review: Strong AL, Ranganathan K, Chang ET, Sorkin M, Agarwal S and Levi B. Burns: Epidemiology, Management and Impact on Muscle & Joint Function. Accepted for publication 12/2013.
- Review: Glotzbach JG*, Levi B*, Wong V, Longaker MT and Gurtner GC. The Basic Science of Vascular Biology: Implications for the Practicing Surgeon. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 126(5):1528-38, 2010. PMID: 21042110.
Lab Opening
Post-Doctoral Fellow Position Available
University of Texas Southwestern
Center for Organogenesis, Regeneration, and Trauma
Featured News
First annual CORT Scientific Retreat
The first Center for Organogenesis, Regeneration and Trauma (CORT) Scientific Retreat was hosted on Friday, March 1st, 2024, on the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center campus. Attendance was nearly standing room only with plenaries by speakers from...
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Burn/trauma and regenerative medicine researchers in plastic surgery seek to prevent the formation of bones in abnormal locations. Gifts help alleviate this condition affecting burn, auto accident, orthopaedic surgery and blast injury patients by providing additional resources to employ state of the art technologies, recruit talented researchers, and disseminate our scientific findings widely.